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Curriculum of Graduate School


Specialty Fields

International Nursing

To compare policy-based nursing education in Japan and overseas, based on an understanding of globalization and the issues around developing nursing professionals and nursing education in different cultural contexts including developing countries.

Nursing Education

To analyze theories of nursing education and personnel development, to deepen fundamental understanding regarding developing nursing professionals including nursing educational systems and policies, and to decide the way in which basic education, follow-up education, and continuous education should be provided.

Nursing Administration and Informatics

To scrutinize the basic concepts of administration in systems, to understand nursing services in policy-based healthcare sites, and to examine how administration should be done, how information should be handled, and how the human resources should be developed and activated. To understand the relationship between effective nursing care and infection prevention, and qualitative evaluation and efficiency in infection control.

Adult Nursing

To learn and discuss the issues related to efficient nursing aimed at preventing the secondary and tertiary disorders in adult patients suffering from cardio-vascular diseases and intractable cancers, to enhance self-care competencies, and to improve quality of life (QOL).

Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

To explore nursing for the protection and improvement of mental health, and to understand the cognition and behavior patterns in the mentally disordered. To scrutinize the role of nursing in establishing systems for enhancing the QOL in the mentally disordered.

Maternal and Child Nursing

To explore how nursing practice is related to the development of mothers, fathers, children, their families, social structures and environment. To examine the roles and issues in maternal and child nursing.

Gerontological Nursing

To explore the roles and issues in gerontological nursing such as maintaining QOL and healthy life. To study health problems in the elderly and their needs in public health and welfare, the health problems of those who need care. The research subjects also include not only the elderly but also their families, from the young to the older.

General Fields

Policy-based Nursing

To deepen the understanding of general concepts in policy-based nursing, and to examine the roles of overall nursing in policy-based healthcare, and issues for the future.

Nursing Theories

To examine nursing theories that are usefu1 as a basis for policy-based nursing and for analyzing nursing phenomena. To explore the process of applying such theories into practical policy-based nursing. To develop quality nursing based on these nursing theories.

Ethics in Policy-based Nursing

To examine ethical issues related to organ transplant, gene therapy, intractable cancer, palliative care, etc. ethical conflicts occurring in nursing, and ethical problems among different professions. To probe how the ethical problems should be solved based on the differences in QOL, cultures, lifestyles, and values.

Health Assessment

To examine the latest concepts in health, health promotion, longevity and to examine the roles and issues related to health assessment at the Advanced Clinical Nursing Centers. To acquire knowledge and skills in health assessment at the advanced clinical nursing centers, and to learn about health assessment aimed at prolonging life. To deepen students' understanding of assessment through scientific and objective evaluation.


To understand the dynamic processes in interaction and the necessary skills for consultation through using role play, and to compare various kinds of consultation models and counseling.

Healthcare Economics

To examine healthcare from an economic perspective. To analyze public health welfare, social welfare policies, and health¢are policies, and to acquire competency in establishing policies in nursing.

Nursing Research Methods

To examine the methodologies in nursing research and their application using literature reviews and case studies. To compare and choose appropriate research methods: quantitative, qualitative, or mixed. To be able to write papers and give effective presentations in English.