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The National College of Nursing, Japan (NCNJ hereafter) was established on April 1, 2001, by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

The college runs a program leading to Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degrees in nursing science and provides continuing education for nurses working at six National Advanced Medical Research Centers (NCs), the National Hospital Organization (NHO), and the National Hansen’s Disease Sanatorium (NHDS).

Year Brief History
2001 NCNJ opened Bachelor's Program in Nursing
First President: Keiko Takeo
2005 NCNJ opened Master's Program in Nursing
2007 Second President: Yayoi Tamura
2015 NCNJ opened Doctoral Program in Nursing
2016 Third President: Tomoko Inoue
2022 4th President:Mami Kayama


Philosophy, Mission and Educational Purpose


The NCNJ is committed to teaching humanistic nursing based on the spirit of human caring, to reach the highest standards in nursing in six Japanese National Advanced Medical Research Centers and to train nurses who can work effectively in international society.


Our mission is to provide nursing and midwifery professionals with advanced competency, both in practice and research, in order to engage in policy-based medical services.

Furthermore, students should become nursing and midwifery professionals who can work in overseas medical sites in cooperation with National Advanced Medical Research Centers.

Students should be able to conduct research efficiently and effectively, based on scientific evidence.


The purpose of our college is to provide a wide-ranging education, to foster deep empathy for others with different values and to learn nursing in order to become professionals who can contribute to society.

Furthermore, we aim to enhance nursing professionals' competency in supporting people at any health level so that they can live meaningfully.